Friday, January 19, 2007

Driveby Blogging

I'm pressed for time this morning, so there won't be too much blogging. I have about 10 minutes before my stepmom gets here to pick up me and Khaila. Rick's truck is sitting in the parking ramp at work, broke down, so we're on day two of bumming a ride with with Nancy. Luckily I'm a blessed woman and have family that does what they can to help out when we're in a lurch!

Not much is new here, just still getting ready (and finally past the shock) that I'm going to be entering a new store. It's just over a week away and I have to get my first submissions uploaded this weekend so they can be checked and then we'll be ready to roll! In the course of joining this store, I've been re-evaluating everything I do from the style of my design, to the elements I include, right down to the previews I make. I'm very pleased with the first kit preview and anxious to show it off!

In work news, I got a decent review this week but was still told that I won't be recommended for a position I desperately want. She feels that if my attendance is nearly perfect FOR A YEAR she'd feel comfortable recommending me. I'm not letting that get me down, I'm using it as a sign. I just got into one of my "dream stores" and told there's no way I'm going to advance at work for at least a year. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate what I'm supposed to be doing! I'm not saying that I can replace my FT job income by designing, but perhaps I truly am supposed to keeping working on it so my "dream" of coming home to be with Khaila can become a reality!

OK, well it's time to put shoes on Khaila, so I'd better sign off!


Melanie said...

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that you aren't getting the position now. Take this year to re-evaluate what you REALLY want and what makes you happy. :) {{HUGS}}

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Bobbi said...

Good luck at the new store!

I can't believe our little ones are 18 months old already. Where did the time go?

Lena Brandenburg said...

Have I missed WHERE the new store is? I think Melanie is right...that it might be a blessing in disguise! Sounds like you have a positive attitude though which is key! :)

Unknown said...

Sorry about the truck, and the position. But congrats on your new store! How exciting!!

Petra said...

How fun, a new store...where´s it at?? Sorry for the truck problems..I´m so lucky my dad has an garage!!

Have a great day!

Penny said...

I'm sure you will love your new store!:) I hope the truck is back in action soon!